DAS International Awareness & Outreach Initiatives

In line with DAS International's key efforts to outreach to like-minded organisations, International schools and communities, in the Asia Pacific Region, the Head of DAS International Anaberta Oehlers-Jaen hosted, the International Unite Spld Forum titled “Don’t wait for your child to fail”,  The importance of Early Assessment and Diagnosis.  Through robust discussions with our esteemed professional panellists came from throughout the region. 




Overseas Awareness Talks

UNDERSTANDING DYSLEXIA AWARENESS TALKS were conducted for the following:

Tale of Dyslexia 21st October 2022

World Dyslexia Month was organised by the Public Relations Malaysia Student Association (IPRMSA KL) from UiTM Shah Alam: Ms Hamada( DAS Awareness Speaker), Anaberta (Head of DAS International) & Rebecca Shalinah ( DAS Academy Lecturer and DAS International assistant director, supported the awareness talk that was attended by 150 participants, mostly parents and university students

Dentsu ASIA Pacific: 9 November 2022

Staff from the APAC Region & Singapore attended this awareness talk:  DAS Awareness Speaker Nur Ashikin & sharing by Ana Berta Oehlers Jaen (Head of DAS International) on DAI Concierge Assessment

Botswana Dyslexia and Social Support Services:  30 March 2023. 

DAS Awareness Speaker Mr Mike Morales and sharing Ana Berta Oehlers-Jaen (Head of DAS International) on DAS International Concierge Assessments that was attended by 30 teachers

Binus School Simprug, Indonesia.  10 May 2023.

We had 41 participants at the awareness talk, mainly teachers and parents. Our Awareness speaker was Ms Ashikin


Spotlight on Specialist Teachers Webinar series: 2022/23

DAS International hosted by Ana Berta Oehlers-Jaen (Head of DAS International) hosted the popular Spotlight on Specialist Teachers Webinar series. The Spotlight webinar series, highlighted the expertise of our Specialist teachers as they shared with parents and teachers. The webinar gave our Specialist the opportunity and the platform to share tips and strategies on Social Emotional Learning, Maths, and Curriculum support which was well received.  We reached out to 12 International schools and provided information on our services as well as conducted team meetings for our students attending international schools to share their progress on Specialist tutoring. This has always been well received with over 100 participants as well as screening live on Facebook.