UNITE 2024 – International Forum

WATCH THE FORUM Hear from the distinguished authors of The Routledge International Handbook of Dyslexia in Education! Drawing from the wealth of knowledge presented in the book “The Routledge International Handbook of Dyslexia in Education,” edited by Gad Elbeheri and Lee Siang, this live forum promises to be a valuable resource for educators, researchers, and […]
Unlock your Full Potential and Empower Yourself through Coaching

Unlock your Full Potential and Empower Yourself through Coaching Coaching is a transformative process that empowers one to unlock their full potential and achieve meaningful results. In this interactive webinar, our Senior Specialist Teacher and Certified Professional Coach Ms Bhavani Jeganthan will share: Why Coaching Matters Coaching offers a multitude of benefits, making it a […]
International Forum On Dyslexia

WATCH THE FORUM Hear from the distinguished authors of The Routledge International Handbook of Dyslexia in Education! Drawing from the wealth of knowledge presented in the book, “The Routledge International Handbook of Dyslexia in Education,” edited by Lee Siang and Gad Elbeheri, this webinar promises to be a valuable resource for educators, researchers, and anyone […]
Spotlight On Specialist Teaching

WATCH THE WEBINAR Why is Curriculum Remediation Necessary? Curriculum remediation plays an important role in children who learn differently. Children know when they are lagging in their schoolwork. This lack of progress may impact their self-esteem negatively, causing anxiety and affecting their academic performance. This, in turn, would restrict the feeling of inclusion as well […]
Understanding how an Assessment can Support Learning

SPOTLIGHT WEBINAR SERIES What is an assessment, and how is it different from a screening? Should I even be sending my child for one? Through the use of a case study on dyslexia, this webinar aims to provide a clearer understanding of what a psycho-educational assessment entails and how it can support a child’s learning. […]
The Importance of Executive Functioning in Preschoolers

SPOTLIGHT ON SPECIALIST TEACHERS WATCH THE WEBINAR ON YOUTUBE Our Spotlight on “The Importance of Executive Functioning in preparing our pre-schoolers to successfully transition into primary school” highlights the significance of executive functioning skills for preschoolers. These skills are essential for children to successfully navigate the demands of school and social situations. However, many preschoolers […]
The importance of Executive Functioning Skills in a child with SpLD

SPOTLIGHT ON SPECIALIST TEACHERS WATCH THE WEBINAR ON YOUTUBE Executive functioning is the brain’s capacity to help in self-managing everyday tasks. When someone struggles with planning, remembering information, focusing and paying attention and also multi-tasking, he or she could be suffering from Executive function Deficits. This is overwhelming under any circumstance but is compounded many times […]
Webinar 10: Higher Order Comprehension: Strategies & Skills for students with Dyslexia or language difficulties

SPOTLIGHT ON SPECIALIST TEACHERS – A DAS INTERNATIONAL WEBINAR SERIES WATCH THE WEBINAR ON YOUTUBE PRESENTED BY Shilpa Madane Higher Order Comprehension: Strategies & Skills for Students with Dyslexia or Language Difficulties Comprehension, in simple words is the ability to understand and interpret what we read. However, it requires multiple skills such as decoding, making connections […]
Webinar 9: Social Emotional Skills Pt2

SPOTLIGHT ON SPECIALIST TEACHERS – A DAS INTERNATIONAL WEBINAR SERIES WATCH THE WEBINAR ON YOUTUBE PRESENTED BY Elizabeth Lim Social Communication Skills Part 2: Coach Your Child in Social Communication Skills Children vary widely in their social communication skills. Some children are generally cooperative, able to follow rules and behave fairly age-appropriately, as expected of […]
Webinar 8: Social Emotional Skills

SPOTLIGHT ON SPECIALIST TEACHERS – A DAS INTERNATIONAL WEBINAR SERIES WATCH THE WEBINAR ON YOUTUBE SPOTLIGHT ON SPECIALIST TEACHING A DAS INTERNATIONAL 10th ANNIVERSARY WEBINAR SERIES CLICK HERE TO REGISTER PRESENTED BY Elizabeth Lim Social-Emotional Skills Social communication skills empower children to be self-confident in school and in other environments as they know how to behave […]